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Law Enforcement

Survival Tools

First responders may never be able to predict the type of fire that will be required to save their life, be it hot, long, smoke-filled, or otherwise. They can prepare, however, by including the tools that get a fire going no matter what.


The Ace Arrest™ Rescue, Restraint, and Recovery Harness and the Joint Services Aircrew Vest and Extraction System (JSAVES) both feature stowable leg straps, multi-point adjustment, extraction capability, and interoperability between other AdvanTac products. 


For law enforcement professionals, Ace Advantage™ soft body armor vests offer versatile, lightweight protection. The Technology: ARM-R™ AdvanTac Technologies has developed innovative, patent-pending lightweight body and moldable armor solutions that are optimized to meet specific threats and mass producible.


AdvanTac Technologies manufactures the generation of military and law enforcement survival vests. These load-bearing garments have found their way into almost every theater of operation and meet the demands of the most diverse operational requirements. 

CBRNE Processing

AdvanTac Technologies manufactures the Contaminant Air Processing SystemTM (CAPSTM).  CAPS is an advanced platform for Chemical, Biological, Readiological, Nuclear, and Explosive decontamination.

Mobility and Support

AdvanTac Technologies offers a state-of-the-art, next generation, multi-functional mobile storage and delivery system. The ARC™ is a collapsible, reconfigurable, and self-contained shipping system which is constructed of a nearly unbreakable composite material. 

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